When kids visit your office

- written by lovely mom 

Its a hilarious day since my little son seems ready to accompany me to my office today. I am a little surprised as he would never go anywhere without his baba but then, I reason with myself, an unschooled kid like him can be a little unpredictable, No? :) I can see that my DH is a little nervous himself - perhaps for his little one as he will be away from him for few hours or is it for himself (lol) !! "Never been to school and Sahib going to office already" jokes Aashish and Aaryan smiles back saying "तुम थोडा sad हो लेना बाबा. मैं शाम तक ही आऊंगा !" 

 We have a joyful ride to the office with the little bird chirping sitting besides me. I get a feeling like I shall start feeling lonely in car without him from tomorrow. I am a little apprehensive as he merrily walks down the corridor with me and runs towards my chair as I point out my seat to him. He sits there for sometime, looking out of the window "I am waiting for baba - तुम काम कर लो मैया". I hand him over few markers and show him the whiteboard to showcase his artistry. He draws on while I catch up with my emails. I am amazed to see him sitting silently engrossed in his work; have never seen him sitting in one place before.

 "क्या ऑफिस ऐसा ही होता है मैय्या "
 "Do you like it or not"
 "Yes...Hmmm but office में खेलते क्या हैं. Why is there no park here? मेरे घर के पास तो पार्क भी है।" 

 I smile as I ask him to go and meet my colleagues. He is excited to see familiar faces that he met in our last team event to Alibaug and shoots off one question after another

 "Do you know Kabir Dohas?" Do you know what I am wearing - it is Khalsa" "Do you know what is Khalsa".... 

He too gets a question "Which school you go? आज छुट्टी है?" "मेरी तो हमेशा छुट्टी होती है।" The questioner gets a splendid answer of which he cannot make a head or a tail but walks away smiling.

 Someone offers him a chocolate and I see him politely refusing it
 "ओह्हो, फिर से चॉकलेट। यह सब बड़े लोग चॉकलेट क्यूँ देते रहते हैं। मुझे तो बिलकुल अच्छी नहीं लगती।"
 He declares that he will give Farooque uncle a big building made of chocolate in gift on his birthday since uncle always seems to be having his pockets (or stomach) full of chocolate. Sheetal Didi shall get a box of candled ducks in gift for she seems to like ducks and candles. and then he sights a black instrument lying on the table staring at him.
 "What is this मैया ? Is it a phone?"
 "Yes, Aaryan - it is" 
"Okay - then I shall call Baba"
 I stand amazed as I see my yet-not-4 child dial out number by himself (yes, he remembers the 10 digit number by heart) and talk to his dad calling him over to office. He seems tired by now and so I take him along to cafeteria while we wait for Aashish to come and pick him up. 

The office surely bears a silent look after you have gone home dearie....and work starts at full steam. Later, in the evening - I learn that Aaryan slept on the way to home itself and was very very tired. Late evening as he wakes up and we three sit in the balcony swing, talking to each other - we ask him as what he liked today and what he disliked in the office. Pat comes the reply "Everyone was like a statue in the office. I didnt like it. Why was everyone like a statue, Baba?" 

Well, I  have no answer to it while Aashish says "Interesting. I never thought that way but its true...everyone must be looking like a statue to him sitting on their workstations" 

"and what did you like?" I ask. 

 "The best was the God's statue on Sheetal Didi's desk. Thats what I liked most in your office Maiya. Ganesha and Sai Baba". 

So thats my spiritual beta. I held him close to my heart and love him with my eyes closed thanking God and the world for giving me the bestest gift of life in my arms.


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