No Points Sire ... I just want to learn

"Skaters..." Coach called out to the bunch of kids "hands down, bend and jump. 5 Times". One of the hardest of exercises during the skating class. One can easily see that hardly one or two kids manage it. A couple of them fall down while few just raise their heels. Coach is thinking and comes up with a wonderful idea - the age old tried tested offering of a bait. "I will give 5 points to all who do it good. Who wants 5 points..raise hands" Immediately, all hands go up except one. We look on and see ..its Aaryan. We hear him telling the Coach " I don't want points. I am interested in my skating only. How do points matter?" Coach looks a little amused and asks "You are already skating, isn't it. So why dont you want points as well" We hear from afar but can make out Aaryan saying "To me, my skating is important. Points are not. You can give points to others who like points more". "Now thats a unschooled kid talking for sure. But how would the Coach know" I think - both amused and delighted at the smart replies of little Aaryan while Coach looks in our direction and gives a wry smile patting the back of Aaryan with a "good, good lets skate" smile emoticon It is not easy not easy to handle unschooled kids at a school, for sure.


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