Story Of the Day - Buddhist Mendicant

One morning, a buddhist mendicant went through the streets of Sravasti asking for alms. He sang aloud the praise of Lord Buddha, on whose behalf he was going abegging. From the palace of the King, jewels were thrown on his path, but he did not pick them up. Wealthy merchants and their wives opened the windows and showered gifts and gold, some took off their necklaces, some jewels from their hair. But the mendicant went on refusing the gifts and saying aloud - ‘Buddha, who is greatest of all men, has come to the city among you, so give him only your best’. He passed the roads, making his way through the jewel strewn path, till he reached the end of the city, where a poor beggar woman was lying on the ground...she also heard the call of the mendicant and bowing to his feet, she somehow took cover in the forest and took off her only garment and stretching her arm she dropped it on the ground in the path. The mendicant eagerly lifted the garment on his head and throwing up his arms, he proclaimed the glory of the one who could give her all.


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