When 2+2 gets to be 5

You don't believe it? Well, I too did not before I realized this equation invariably goes unchallanged by us; almost daily. We are more and more accepting the unreasonable without being assigned the right to reason; being pushed to the corner daily to be converted to the ones who would simply accept the authorities even if they tell us that 2+2 makes a big 5. Consider this:

1. Vaccinations
How many of us really know what these vaccinations are all about? Where do we get informed about what really goes behind the doors of the pharma companies doling out vaccines after vaccines for our children & whether these vaccines are really safe? Still - the so called "educated class" invariably is getting vaccinated on its own. Any investigative questions on vaccines are either met with a harsh rebuff Or a simplistic "Why can't you follow like others" attitude. For those looking at this text with a questioning eye; for those who are reading about it for the first time - get some more information at
http://www.vaclib.org/docs/myths.htm and http://vaccinetruth.org/

It is interesting to note that whereas the educated lot of our world follows the mass almost superstitiously; the illiterate population still carries their capabilities of raising questions about it and is still able to stay clear of such mess of modern times.

2. GM food
Heard about BT Brinjals? Well, the money-minting corporations are right at our door steps, ready to contaminate our platters with poison under the garb of "technology". Firstly, it was green revolution that took years & decades to discover that 2+2 could not be 5 :) It filled our food with insecticides; brought down the water tables of our land drastically; brought down the fertility level of our soil by moving farmers to High yielding crops; caused the suicides of hundres/thousands of farmers by bringing them in the spiral net of increasing debts required to buy expensive pesticides...and if that was not enough - here we have the latest Candy from big corporations like Monsanto and Bayer - the GM food. News to your ears?? Sure - because this is not the agenda of our welfare states to have well-informed citizens. It needs just the "state-educated" citizens who will conform and hear only what "they" want to say. Much thanks to Mahesh bhatt and Co. for bringing out this excellent documentary however - Poison on the platter. Checkout at youtube and videos.google.com for more details.

Sad but true, the list of such "modern day superstitions" continues and can fill up entire time and space that we have :( .... I will surely followup with more in times to come !!!


Neha said…
Hey Aashish...
Just went thru ur blog...nvr knew u were such an avid writer and a w'ful singer too !!!

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