My little munchkin

 Well, to think of it - Aaryan, you were gifted into our arms 6 months ago and could we have imagined as how much this little baby shall change our lives - with his love, with his innocent charm and ofcourse with his strong likes & dislikes. Just yesterday, we pulled out our car in the evening to go to supermarket and Aaryan, yes Nannu, you - simply refused to go. Although you are always such a smiling, accomodating and playful child - sometimes you do assume the cloak of a spoilt brat; or a "crying glory" especially when we take you out on our car. For sure, now I know that you love bikes and cars do not fancy you even a little. Ofcourse, we parked the car right back and took you back in our loving arms - inside our little cozy nest and you smiled and smiled and smiled as if to the delight of loving gods.

In the last few days, perhaps a month - you seem to have grown so much. Now you want to keep playing, you don't want to sleep in the day time anymore, you like the sound of bikes and even want to ride one :), you stand erect on your feet and take few steps when I put you on my stomach ...... I am excited to be there with you each and every moment ... but sad as well as you seem to be leaving this wonderful childhood fast behind. I keep telling myself - nothing to worry, I shall save each moment as a sacred reverie in my mind and hold it afresh with all the purity of my heart ... I am happy for what you are becoming to be, I am happy for what you were and what you are leaving behind - my lovely little Nannu.

We love you to the pieces dear Aaryan .....We love you a lot !!!


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