The dance of time
Memories - It is a wonder as how they get recorded and how they re-appear. When you think back, you might see flashes in your mind - of a certain day, or a certain moment or a certain person. Memories are queer things, really. Ever wondered, how they are formed? Sometimes, even an insignificant detail gets recorded in our brain cells whereas sometimes, there is no visible imprint of something we promised ourselves to remember life long. I was surprised yesterday when I stumbled upon an old school photograph and I could not recall the name of my favorite teacher. It is equally queer to know as how the memories get activated - sometimes only by a smell, sometimes by a touch Or by a sound - even a taste and of course by the visuals. Music brings my memories alive - to the strongest level. Few songs that I heard till the cassettes broke down :) - if I hear them again, possess the power to travel me back right there, back in time and flying in space. But hold on - these memories have a st...